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Adult Education Schedule: 2024 - 2025

Adults meet in the fellowship hall during the Sunday school hour (9:15-10:15am).

Each week someone from the congregation or a guest speaker presents on a topic, and there is always time for a good discussion. The topic may come from the presenter's area of expertise or special interest, or it may be a discussion based on a book by a well-known and widely read author. (Reading the book is not required, and the presenter won't assume that you've done so.) Not every topic will come straight from the Bible, but they always come from the intersection of Christian faith and the life we're living.

We're pretty casual but always respectful of each other. You don't have to be an expert to attend, and certainly don't need to have the answers; sincere questions are always welcome.

SS Sep 9 Amanda Held Opelt_web_edited.jpg
Fall 2024

Series on the Psalms

For our first adult Sunday school series of the year, Dan Machiela will lead us as we spend three weeks with the book of Psalms. Please join us as we explore together the central prayer book of the Church from ancient times to today.

September 8: We will begin by getting acquainted with the book, asking questions like why the church father Augustine would say that "everything written here is a mirror for us," or Martin Luther that the Psalms "might well be called a little Bible."
September 15: We will spend some time thinking about different types of psalms as well as how they typically "work," looking together at some examples like Psalms 80 and 119.

September 22:

Faith and Literature Series

September 29, October 6, October 13: Led by Chris Hedlin and Jake Schepers

October 20: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL (fall break)

October 27: Led by Cris Mihut

Series on Christianity, Politics, and the Election

November 3: Led by Mrille Coetsee

November 10: Led by Bruce Huber

November 17: Led by John Haas

Guest Speaker: Sarah Westfall

November 24: We will be joined by author and podcast host, Sarah Westfall.

Break - No Sunday School
December 1: Thanksgiving break

December 8: Conversation about CotS and the CRC

December 17: Congregational meeting. There is SS for children/youth, but NO ADULT ED.


December 22, December 29, January 5: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL

The schedule may be adjusted or changed without notice.

Spring 2025


December 22, December 29, January 5: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL


The schedule may be adjusted or changed without notice.

This Week
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