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Sunday Worship (click to jump to section)
What to Expect
Our services begin at 10:30 am, and last about 60-70 minutes. We sing hymns and contemporary worship music. Our spoken liturgy is based on Scripture, and we shape our worship around the Christian calendar. You can watch past services on YouTube, if you'd like to see an example.
We celebrate communion on the first and third Sunday of each month and welcome all who believe in Jesus to come to the table.
Current Worship Series
Epiphany is the season of growing light - outside as the days grow longer, and inside our hearts and minds as we come to understand more fully the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. "It is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Preaching Schedule
January 5 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
January 12 - Rev. George DeVuyst
January 19 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
January 26 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
February 2 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
February 9 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
February 16 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
February 23 - Rev. Dr. Chris Rea
Listen to Sermons or Services
(Direct link to podcast page from which you can share specific episodes)
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