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Youth Director
The Youth Director will be primarily responsible for leading the Jr. High and Sr. High Youth Groups at Church of the Savior with a vision for the integration of youth programs and community outreach. We seek a candidate who is prayerful and Spirit-led, committed to Jesus Christ and his church, and growing in the fruit of the Spirit. He or she will be able to work well on a leadership team and motivate others to share in the responsibilities necessary for a thriving church community.
Position Status
We envision a 20 hour per week commitment, but are open to adjusting these hours according to the candidate’s vision for the position as it develops.
Reports to: Minister of the Word, Rev. Dr. Christina Rea
The Youth Director will have the freedom to develop their vision for an enriching Youth Ministry at Church of the Savior, for students from sixth through twelfth grade. The ideal candidate will engage with youth group members at church, school, extracurricular activities and elsewhere to develop relationships that enable discipleship for the development of faith. The following responsibilities describe the general parameters to guide in the development of youth ministry programs.
Develop an engaging program for members of the Jr. and Sr. high youth groups including regular meetings, periodic (monthly) outreach and/or social events, and annual retreats.
Foster ways in which members of the youth group function as active participants in outreach ministries and partnerships including volunteer work, service projects, and community involvement during both the academic year and semester and summer breaks.
Effectively administer programs for which the Youth Director is directly responsible including the observance of budgetary parameters and the annual design and/or revision of program budgets.
Complete other administrative tasks as necessary such as coordinating volunteers.
Required Skills and Dispositions
Faithfulness to Christian practices including and especially, prayer, scripture reading, and the practice of other spiritual disciplines.
Strong communication skills both interpersonally and across multiple formal and informal media platforms; excellent written and oral communication skills.
Self-motivated, creative, accountable, and attentive to detail.
Vision for excellence in and desire to identify best practices for all ministries and programs overseen by the Youth Director.
Willingness to live locally, fulfill Church of the Savior membership requirements, and actively participate in the life of the church.
Participates in and engages the riches of the Reformed theological tradition.